About Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags

Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags, BFL for short, is the Faroese Teachers’ Association’s Publishing Company and specializes in children’s and youth literature.
BFL was founded in 1956 and has a literature board, a managing director and staff.

We publish around 80 books a year. In addition to editing our own publications, we also sometimes edit and manage printing for others. We then take care of the whole process through to printing, in cooperation with the publisher, naturally. In most cases this means managing layout, proofing, images and printing.

Every year BFL joins the international book fairs in Bologna and Frankfurt am Main. We participate to make sure that we keep up to speed with the most recent developments on the book market and new trends in children’s and youth literature. They are also great opportunities for us to raise our profile as publishers and showcase the work of Faroese authors and illustrators.

BFL often cooperates with partners about special publications, such as a series of easy reading books published with The Faroese School Book Fund. We also frequently join efforts with other Nordic publishing companies to launch special publications.

VAT - Registration number 329096


  • Niels Jákup Thomsen
  • Stjóri / Managing Director
  • +298 617644 | +298 235772
  • nielsjakup@bfl.fo
  • Sanna Andrassdóttir Dahl
  • Ritstjóri / Editor
  • +298 235778
  • sanna@bfl.fo
  • Turið Kjølbro
  • Ritstjóri og blaðstjóri á Skúlablaðnum / Editor and Magazine Editor (Skúlablaðið)
  • +298 617642 I +298 235773
  • turid@bfl.fo
  • Silja Aldudóttir (í farloyvi)
  • Ritstjóri / Editor
  • +298 235774
  • silja@bfl.fo
  • Beinta Johannessen
  • Blaðstjóri á STROK og Píka7 / Magazine Editor (STROK and Píka7)
  • +298 221150
  • beinta@bfl.fo
  • Jóhanna Heðinsdóttir Wolles (í farloyvi)
  • Marknaðarfólk / Marketing
  • + 298 235777
  • johanna@bfl.fo
  • Beinir Bergsson
  • Ritstjóri / Editor
  • + 298 235775
  • beinir@bfl.fo
  • Markus Hammer
  • Marknaðarfólk / Marketing
  • + 298 235779
  • markus@bfl.fo
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